classics charity championship


Qualification Information and Hours | Prize Pools | Past Winners

We present the newly rebranded Classics Charity Championship pinball tournament. This is a three day classic machine specific tournament, based on the best game (famously known as pump and dump) format . You can play as many times as you want and there will be a three divisions of skill. Main, B, Novice where you can compete to takedown the championship. If you purchase a YEGPIN Tournament Bundle you are automatically registered for the event. If available, in show registration is $75 for those that register on the day of event which provides you with 20 tournament tickets for this event, the event will allow up to 280 participants to be registered which is normally one of the biggest classics championships in the world.

Powered by Drains Tournament Manager

Entry Fees

u003csvg aria-hidden=u0022trueu0022 focusable=u0022falseu0022 data-prefix=u0022fasu0022 data-icon=u0022staru0022 class=u0022svg-inlineu002du002dfa fa-star fa-w-18u0022 role=u0022imgu0022 xmlns=u0022 viewBox=u00220 0 576 512u0022u003eu003cpath fill=u0022currentColoru0022 d=u0022M259.3 17.8L194 150.2 47.9 171.5c-26.2 3.8-36.7 36.1-17.7 54.6l105.7 103-25 145.5c-4.5 26.3 23.2 46 46.4 33.7L288 439.6l130.7 68.7c23.2 12.2 50.9-7.4 46.4-33.7l-25-145.5 105.7-103c19-18.5 8.5-50.8-17.7-54.6L382 150.2 316.7 17.8c-11.7-23.6-45.6-23.9-57.4 0zu0022u003eu003c/pathu003eu003c/svgu003e
  • Additional tournament tickets can be purchased on event days at the YEGPIN Tournament Desk
Type1 Ticket10 tickets20 tickets
Classics Charity Championship$5$30$50

Qualification Information

  • The tournament will be using a HERB style (best score format) with unlimited qualifying attempts using PAPA position/rank scoring (1st 200, 2nd 190, 3rd 189, 188, 187 …), using Drains Tournament Software.
  • Those that purchased a YEGPIN Tournament Bundle are automatically registered for the event and receive 20 entries in this tournament.
  • Registrants can participate on a drop-in basis (or up to the maximum 280 participants), the registration fee will be $75 for drop in participants and that will give you 20 entries.
  • Ticket sales end 8:00 PM sharp on Saturday.
  • Qualifying can be attempted anytime during tournament hours on Thursday – Saturday, but you must be available to show up for Sunday if you qualify for the playoff round.
  • NEW**You cannot qualify if you are already playing in another tournament, plan accordingly. If you abandon your rounds in the YEGPIN Match Play, you will not be able to play in the Charity Classics Championship until the first group has completed their round so there is no advantage in quitting in the Match Play early.
  • NEW**This tournament will have it’s own dedicated (18) machines for the weekend. The best score from eleven (11) different machines will count towards your total points to determine your standings.
  • All division restrictions are the same as the YEGPIN: Match Play Championships.
  • NEW** Tiebreaker(s) will be played only for significant ties all other ties will be broken with the highest score on qualified machines (1st 200, 2nd 190, 3rd 189, 188, 187 …).
  • Finals start at 8:00AM on Sunday, please check the standings in each division if you qualified and be prepared to play on Sunday afternoon. No substitutes will be allowed in the playoff rounds, no shows will forfeit any winnings.
  • If there is a malfunction, the tournament director reserves the right to include a machine from the proper era from the YEGPIN Match Play or Free Play Area to fill in the banks for playoffs.
  • All rules are based off of the IFPA sanctioned full competition ruleset found on the Professional & Amateur Pinball Association website.
  • TGP = 200%, expected to be a certified plus event to provide 150% Event booster.

Qualifying Hours:

DaySession Times
ThursdayQualifying12:00PM – 11:45PM
FridayQualifying12:00PM – 11:45PM
SaturdayQualifying10:00AM – 9:15PM
SaturdayTiebreaker (If necessary)9:30PM – 9:45PM

Playoff Information

  • The top 28 players in the A division, top 8 in B and top 8 in Novice will qualify will make the playoffs, there will be no substitutions
  • In A division, places 1-4 will receive a bye (play in round of 16)
  • The playoff rounds will be in a 3 game match play style, 4,2,1,0 PAPA scoring.
  • There will be 6 banks of machines (1 Solid State, 1 EM, 1 Solid State in that order), the order of picking the bank of play with be A, B, Novice. Substitution(s) may be chosen from YEGPIN Match Play Championship if needed.
  • Highest seeded players get the choice of machine or position. Once a group chooses a machine, no other group can pick it. Once the player chooses a machine their group will play the next two after the pick, if there is a tiebreaker they play the next machine after the last one they played. (ie# Player picks #2 machine, then #3, #4 are automatically played, tiebreaker happens on #5).
  • Positions are locked in after positions are chosen for the machine selected. In other words if you selected 4th, you play 4th on all machines. The picked positions are also locked for tiebreaker game if necessary.
  • A player cannot pick the same bank twice in a row, in playoff rounds, but you can go back to it in a future round after that. In other words if you choose the bank you will not be able to pick any of the machines that were in the group you selected in a previous round. Please note the tiebreaker game if necessary can still be picked in a future round.

Playoff Schedule

SundayPlayoffs: A Division (Round of 28)KC1 – KC158:00AM – 9:30AM
SundayPlayoffs: A Division (Quarter Finals)KC1 – KC15*9:30AM – 11:00AM
SundayPlayoffs: A, B, Novice Division (Semi Finals)KC1 – KC15*11:00AM – 12:30PM
SundayPlayoffs: A, B, Novice Division (Finals)KC1 – KC15*12:30PM – 2:00PM
* Times are tentative the round will start as soon as the previous round is completed.

Prize Pools

  • 50% (to a max $5,000) of the cash funds raised from this tournament will be donated to charities on behalf of the Die Hard Pinball League. 2023 was another record turnout of over 210 players and over $21,000 in cash pools collected overall in this tournament. A total of $5,000.00 raised by this event in 2023 was donated to the Terry Fox Foundation on our behalf. 
  • **NEW** 1st place in each division will receive a YEGPIN custom trophy, 2nd, 3rd, 4th places will also receive a customized plaques.
Division1st2nd3rd4th5th – 8th9th-16th17th-28th29th-40th
Main (28):
Up to 40 qualified players
20% 15%10%5%2.5%1.5%0.75%
B Division (8):
The next 8 qualified B division players
Novice Division (8):
The next 8 qualified Novice players
*50% of the prize pool or up to $5,000 is donated to Cancer related charities.

Past Winners

2023Luke Nahorniak
2022Bob Matthews
2019Ken Fyten
2018Mike Wieschorster