Pinball Machines


Below is an initial list of pinball machines that will be at YEGPIN. Based on previous shows we are anticipating there will be around 250+ donor and vendor pinball machines on the show floor for the entire weekend.

Machines are subject to change and will be updated on a go forward basis up and to the event.

For information on winning your very own pinball machine by bringing a machine please check out the bring a machine page here.

Arena 1

Public free play all day, everyday

Arena 2

Thursday – Friday – Tournament players only access.

Saturday – Match Play Championship banks 17-24 open for public free play.

Sunday – Match Play Championship banks 5-24 all day, Youth Canadian Pinball Championships bank 1 all day and Classic Charity Championship banks open after playoffs (approx 1:00PM), open for public free play.

Arena 1
Free Play / Party Zone Pinball Machines

Arena 1
Vendor Booths

Arena 2
Pinball Tournament Machines

Match Play Championship (Banks 21 -24 are spare machines)

Classics Charity Championship

Best Card Championship

Youth Canadian Pinball Championships