Lots to check out, here are some of the teams favourite hide outs. NONE of these are PAID advertisements, thou could be bribed for the right price. Check out the sponsorship page. But these are all from the heart.
There are some amazing restaurants in Sherwood Park. And we are becoming quite the city for food. Be sure to stop at these locations near the facility.

Local Sights
Spots locals take for granted.
Team Favourites
The “Talus Dome” in Edmonton
Kinda looks like a bunch of pinballs doesn’t it?
- Food and Bike Tour
- Street Car Cask Parties
- Strathcona Farmers Market
- Snow Valley Aerial Park
- Happy hour on the patios!
We will continue to update this. Keep checking back! ~ YEGPIN Staff

(photo by Kurt Bauschardt/Flickr)